Wedding Planning – How to plan your wedding with a Friend

September 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Videos Sometimes you and a friend might be planning your wedding at the same time and have a similar guest list that might create a bit of a competitive situation… so what do you do you are both giving the same wedding favors? Well, you have a few options. If you really feel like it will be tacky to give the same favors as your friend, then just pick something else. But if the favors you chose for your guests are meaningful to you, you can still try and talk to your friend and see if they will relent on the issue. And if your friend won’t give in, just say screw it. Give the same favors as your friend, and be done with it. Your friends really won’t care that much if they end up with two silver picture frames from two different weddings… they just want to see that you have a happy day.


2 Responses to “Wedding Planning – How to plan your wedding with a Friend”
  1. theweddingproject says:

    Nice video!!

  2. TheseRings says:

    A must hear wedding song is “These Rings” by JD Entertainment. “These Rings” takes you on a wonder filled journey, touching the romantic in all of us.

    Where can you purchase “These Rings”

    “These Rings,” by JD Entertainment is available online at the following locations: iTunes U.S., iTunes Australia/N.Z., iTunes Canada, iTunes UK/European Union, iTunes Japan, Rhapsody, Napster, eMusic, GroupieTunes, Amazon MP3, Lala, Shockhound, and Amie Street

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